Thank you for submitting a referral to SARI. Our team has received your request, and we will be reaching out to you shortly. If you are reporting a hate crime, please note that we are currently experiencing high levels of demand for our services and we have a waiting list in place. We are assessing all referrals and aim to be in contact with you within 5-10 working days of you submitting your request. If your case has been placed on the waiting list then you will receive a notification from our reception team who will inform you.
If you haven’t received a response from us within 10 working days or if you have any other queries or concerns, please feel free to email us at or to call us on 0117 9420060 to inquire about the status of your referral or to speak to a Duty Caseworker. In the event of an escalation in your situation and if you feel threatened, always remember to call the police for help on 101 if not in immediate danger or 999 if you are in immediate danger