TONIC – Victims’ Voice Project

TONIC have been asked by the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) in Avon and Somerset to conduct a Victims’ Needs Assessment and Victims’ Voice Project. Throughout September, TONIC gathered feedback from professionals about what is working well and any areas for development. TONIC now want to hear the voice of victims in the local area via an online survey, confidential interviews and focus groups. Victims will be invited to comment on the draft OPCC commissioning
intentions. The deadline for victims to have their say will be Friday 8th December.

TONIC will share this feedback with the OPCC through a report and corresponding presentation. The ultimate aim is to inform improvements in the support available to victims, to ensure services are able to meet the need and demand in Avon and Somerset, and to shape the way support services are commissioned by the OPCC in the future.